Rca victor radio model rfa-11v antenna hookup
Rca victor radio model rfa-11v antenna hookup

rca victor radio model rfa-11v antenna hookup
  1. Rca victor radio model rfa 11v antenna hookup full#
  2. Rca victor radio model rfa 11v antenna hookup portable#
  3. Rca victor radio model rfa 11v antenna hookup series#
rca victor radio model rfa-11v antenna hookup

Stainless steel radials & hardware - UPS shippableĥ THE TEAM PUBLISHERIEDITOR Wayne Green W2NSO/l A SSOCIATE PUBLISH ER David Ca ssidy Nl GPH MANAGING EDITOR Bill B rown WBSELK Amateur RadioToday TABLE OF CONTENTS November 1992 Issue #386 PRODUCTlON EDITOR Hope Currier EDITORIAL A SSOCtATES SueJeweII Joyce Sa wtelle CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Mik e Bryce WBa VGE David Cowhig WA1LBP Michael Geier KB1UM Jim Gray Wl xun Chuck Houghlon WB6IGP AmieJohnson N1BAC Dr. FEATURES - WIDE-BAND performance - VSWR 1.5:1 (nom.) - Factory adjusted, no tuning required - Weatherproof. F-718A 70cm N m: F-1230A 23cm N m: F 718L: MHz,F 718J: MHz - Rugged fiberglass radom e(dp GH62 th ick-wall aluminum) - Wind speed ratings in excess of 90MPH 7oom:4-5/8l., 23cm :l 0-5/8l.

Rca victor radio model rfa 11v antenna hookup series#

2m :618l.,700m :3-5I8l., U-5000A PART # FREQ GAI N(d9\ PWR(W) LENGTH(FT) CONNECTOR WIND RATING ELEMENT PHASING U-300A 70cm/23cm N 110 F series VHF UHF MONOBAND F 23A PART # FREQ GAlNl

Rca victor radio model rfa 11v antenna hookup portable#

Great for mobiling or portable operation! Optional AH-2 Automatk Tuninl Mobile An'.nna System covers 3.5MH, 30MHz.

Rca victor radio model rfa 11v antenna hookup full#

IF notch, adjustable noise blanker, and semior full ell' QSK. 10SdB Dynamic Range Receiver includes passband luning. Proudlv backed with!com's fun one-year warranty. Field Proven 100W Transmitter wit h 100%dutvcvde.

rca victor radio model rfa-11v antenna hookup

smallest size, and best customer satisfaction of any HF transceiver, the ICi 35is the undisputed champion for fixed, portable or mobile operations. Theirexcellent dynamic range contnbuted to our victory at P40V The IC-735 isa true champion!" o.gomn VE7SV ICO ~f 's IC-735 is the world's most popular HFtransceiver for three simple reasons: Performance, Size and Reliability. 2 ICOM f - "The seven IC-735'sused at P40V pertormed well.

Rca victor radio model rfa-11v antenna hookup